Friday, 11 April 2008

Introduction To Tempest Keep - The Eye

Tempest Keep (TK) is one of two instances you will reach after you have left Karazhan, the other being Serpentshrine Cavern (SSC). Tempest keep no longer requires attunement after the 2.1.2, and in patch 2.3 the title 'Champion of the Naruu' was released for those who complete the quest chain that is still available to this day.

Tempest Keep is well known for having several easy as well as some incredibly hard bosses, mobs such as Void Reaver have had various affectionate nicknames tagged to them such as 'Loot Reaver'. The bosses in Tempest Keep can give great loot, most noteably tier 5 chest and shoulders, great additions to any raid!

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